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Sessione di Lego Serious Play per contrastare il bullismo



Project is implemented as part of the Erasmus+ Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Programme

DisAbuse: Disablist Bullying - Experience into Change, providing the right support services is implemented as part of the Erasmus+ Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Programme as a continuation of the collaboration between the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the Dublin University Anti-Bullying Centre and important research centres as partners: Institute of Art & Design Technology (Ireland), University of Lisbona (Portugal) and University of Murcia (Spain)

The objective of the 24-month project (starting from Dec. 2017), is to develop and implement new interactive educational courses to prevent and contrast bullying, particularly for subjects with special needs. The courses will include the acquisition of new competences and new inclusive socialisation models that will involve teachers together with special needs students (over 100).

Each partner will share their good practices; the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will propose an innovative application of the Lego Serious Play Methodology.

The University of Lisbon will lead research on the state of the art in various countries in relation to bullying and special needs, including the analysis of bills and policy in partner countries along with actions undertaken to raise awareness contrast the phenomenon.

The University of Murcia will support partners with an investigation and analysis of the educational needs for experts, professors, trainers and students with special needs to raise awareness, prevent and contrast this phenomenon related to disability. Associations, schools, research centres and professionals are called to contribute directly as project targets.

The development of didactic materials and questionnaires in accessible multimedia formats for the definition of bullying, its causes and approaches for contrasting it; practical guidelines for teachers and trainers; courses for the acquisition of competences to implement the intervention strategies (support, socialisation, communication, etc.) will be conducted during the test phase with the active involvement of teachers, trainers and student beneficiaries.

The Institute of Art & Design Technology will develop a multimedia platform to share project materials and good practices. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will be responsible for the project communication strategy, including the organisation of four important international conferences (Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy) organised in collaboration with associations and experts that have collaborated with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale on previous experiences (see Sonet-Bull).


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