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Young Makers at MIUR

Young Makers at MIUR

Young Makers at MIUR

Every year, the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research hosts a Christmas lab for employees’ children. This year, in line with the “La Buona Scuola” strategy, it will be a digital manufacturing lab.


The lab will be held by the Phyrtual Innovation Gym team at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Elisa Amorelli, Mauro Del Santo, Valentina Gelsomini, Federica Pellegrini and Cecilia Stajano.


The children will be able to choose between two labs:

  • Team Building and Digital Manufacturing

    Children will compete in teams with fabcars, the cars with servomotors assembled in the FMD Fab Lab. The winners will receive a 3D-printed cup and each child will receive a laser-cut wooden snowflake to decorate their Christmas tree.
  • Storytelling with the Worry Dolls

    The lab takes children to far away countries, to Guatemala, in Central America, where the “worry dolls” originate.  Traditionally, in Guatemala, before falling asleep, children confide their problems and worries to these dolls and then place them under their pillow. Over night, the dolls will take all their worries away. And they can be built with very simple materials.

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