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Where's that Key?

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Where's that Key?

Where's that Key?


The elders at the Via Sabotino elderly centre, one of the three present in Rome’s 12th District, can now learn to use a PC and surf the web thanks to the students at the Liceo classico Terenzio Mamiani.
The XVII Municipio of Rome has the highest percentage of over-sixties amongst its residents: nearly 27%.
Principal Carlo Mari, who had already had a positive experience with the course at the liceo classico Dante Alighieri, supported by Deputy Principal Pina Parente, started the first course, while Prof. Filomena Misiano coordinates the lessons.
Cecilia Stajano, Empowerment and Local Learning Communities Development Manager for the FMD, and researcher Ana Lain have monitored the first day of lessons and shot some short videos.

In 30 hours, the courses span from turning a PC on to on-line public administration services. This is the objective of Telemouse, the digital literacy course promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Telecom Italia. When we refer to the abc of computers, the expression is literal … some of the students have never even used a keyboard!

Outside of school before the lesson



A 65-year-old beginner and a keyboard



Course Coordinator Filomena Misiano (technical lab assistant) emphasises the importance of the relations created by the course


 Free-wheeling with Ms. Antonietta, who wants a tutor for every student



Ms. Laura (69) at the end of the course with her manuals



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