2 min.
How does aid work? How is it used? Does it also reach the Saharawi? Four classes from the Istituto comprensivo Fratelli Cervi have learned how to answer these questions thanks to a lesson held on Tuesday and dedicated to the international cooperation and twinning Digital Bridge Project – A Technological Bridge with the Saharawi People.
Primary school classes 5A and 5B and secondary school classes 2D and 2E participated enthusiastically in a lesson held by Giordana Francia from the International Committee for the Development of Peoples (CISP).
Sixty students were taught through images, videos and slides what humanitarian aid is, who provides it and why. In particular, the lesson focused on how aid for the Saharawi works as the school is twinned with a Saharawi counterpart. The students, who had already prepared posters, essays and stories on the Saharawi, were eager to learn more than they already knew.
In the meantime, Digital Bridge grows increasingly more innovative: for the first time, the lesson was transmitted via live streaming. This is how the Fondazione Mondo Digitale contributes to the use of new ICT tools in education to allow learning to be transmitted via web.