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Understanding and Digital Wellbeing

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Understanding and Digital Wellbeing

Understanding and Digital Wellbeing

An evening focus at the Istituto Comprensivo in Volpago del Montello

The Istituto comprensivo di Volpago del Montello, a small town of 10,000 people in the Province of Treviso, has organised an informational evening on understanding and digital wellbeing. The appointment is for Thursday, December 15, at 20.00 in the school auditorium.

The school, coordinated by Nella Varanese, pays special attention to educational collaboration with families, even on issues such as digital transformation. In fact, the institute “conducts activities to develop digital skills not only to learn how to use a computer or the web to find and exchange information, but also to promote an understanding of the risks related to the use of new technology.” [PTOF, 2022-25]

The initiative is part of Project Fully Enjoy the Internet, promoted by Google and developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with the Italian Postal PoliceAltroconsumo, and Anteas. The project organises free courses to provide recommendations and illustrate good practices on how to surf the web safely.

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