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Training Year


Training Year

Training Year


The 2014-15 school year opened with a vast programme for extended training to teachers throughout Italy thanks to the profound commitment of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Two days of workshops, which were held at the Rome Città Educativa  on the use of mobile technology in class, involved over 30 teachers on Friday and Saturday.
The third webinar is scheduled for tomorrow. It will focus on the Life Education Methodology developed by Alfonso Molina and address the teachers involved in Projects Active Ageing and Solidarity Amongst Generations through Learning and Social Innovation and Meet No Neet.
For further information:



The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research as a training agency for school personnel, so participation is counted as professional updating.





In the photos: teachers testing mobile technology for didactics. Project M-LEARN - Training Teachers to Use Mobile (handheld) Technology within Mainstream School Education. Besides the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, the project also involves five other organisations in Greek, Romania, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

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