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He’s only 14, but he has already demonstrated a good didactic aptitude and the ability to face important challenges. Tommaso Arcangeli, a fourth year student at the liceo classico Lucrezio Caro, was presented with a special mention award as “Emerging Young Volunteer” at the Telemouse 3.0 – Knowledge Volunteers Competition.
What Coordinating Teacher Vulcano Ortenzi has to say:
This first year student was not only a competent and dedicated tutor, but also a leader in his group. His creativity, organizational ability and awareness of the importance of this social role, lead him to continue his volunteering at the elderly centre when the course came to an end. He showed a keen ability to use the right language to communicate with the elder students, filled his classmates with enthusiasm and helped overcome many of the negative myths regarding today’s youth.
What a “grandmother” says:
Tommaso is very competent and knows how to transmit his knowledge with patience and care.
What Tommaso says:
Over the past eight months, this experience has been extremely satisfactory, joyful and, above all, it has allowed me to discover a side of me that I had no idea about. I discovered the joy of transmitting knowledge about computers to people who had no previous computer experience. Their progress is extremely satisfying and makes me very proud. I must thank Prof. Vulcano Ortenzi who motivated me and helped me face this new, gratifying challenge.
What the Project Coordinators Ana Lain and Cecilia Stajano have to say:
Tommaso is young and shy, but not only did he integrate perfectly into the group of tutors (many are last year students), he also earned the trust and friendship of the older students. He discovered with great joy during this experience that he had knowledge that the elders were interested in. As he acquired confidence, he also volunteered at the elderly centre. The elders that Tommaso tutored were enchanted by his dedication to the didactic programme, which he subdivided into theory, exercises and custom-tailored homework for all his grandmothers. His serious, creative method helped motivate the elders to study and learn. Moreover, his Greek professor even pointed out that Tommaso’s grades were improving. Probably due to his studying method.