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Think Like a Hacker

Think Like a Hacker

Think Like a Hacker

Italy is one of the six European countries selected to test the first educational programme aiming to help young men and women transform competences and knowledge into a winning profile for the labour market. A flexible and scalable model will allow the project to reach the young generation with interactive, measurable and custom-tailored learning activities.


“Living Digital” is a programme by Facebook and Freeformers dedicated to 100,000 young European aged 18-30. Thanks to the collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and other Italian partners, the project will provide schools with the opportunity to help older students reinforce their competences and acquire the necessary mentality to fully exploit the new forms of digital economy.


This week, Living Digital will be held not only in schools [see news: Education for Everyone], but also at Binario F, the Facebook facility dedicated to digital competences at the Rome Termini Railway Station.


The protagonists of the two workshops will be final-year students in at the Liceo Plauto, with Coach Lara Forgione [see agenda], and the Liceo Artistico Caravaggio with Coach Astrid D'Eredità [see agenda].


Gianpiero, a student at the Liceo Innocenzo XII in Anzio, describes his impressions of Project Living Digital, held at the school by Fondazione Mondo Digitale Coaches Lara Forgione and Annalisa Cassarino.


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