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There’s Work in the Cloud

There’s Work in the Cloud

There’s Work in the Cloud

“It is disturbing that young men and women choose their dream career based on a short traditional list of teachers, lawyers and managers,” explains Andreas Schleicher, Director the OECD Education Department. “Many of them seem to ignore that there are new professional opportunities that have arisen with digitalisation.” One of these professions is the cloud platform engineer or the cloud system administrator.


In 2020, the cloud proved to be the best ally to rapidly and effectively the situation of enormous fragility the social and economic system underwent due to the pandemic, completely changing the dynamics of the Italian market that grew to 3.34 billion euro with a 21% growth [Cloud Transformation Observatory - School of Management, Politecnico di Milano].



Thus, as part of Project Ambizione Italia for Youth giovani, we have organised a short free training programme on the cloud. The course will be held the last week of August with three 1.5-hour lessons that can be attended from anywhere to learn about new educational and professional opportunities.


The course, entitled “Professions of the Future: Cloud System Orientation,” will look at one of the currently most needed professions in the world of IT, the cloud platform engineer. The course will look at hardware on which cloud systems are created to understand the communication mechanisms between the Internet and machines. The final module will provide recommendations for job interviews. The programme is open to anyone who is interested in computer science and requires no specific prior technical knowledge.


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale may communicate the names of the best participants to the Experis  Academy on Cloud Platform Engineer  beginning on September 20.


  Registration Form 




Module 1 – Theoretical Elements

  • Introduction to computer hardware
  • Concepts concerning the operation of motherboards, RAM, CPU and peripherals
  • Basic concepts on the Internet and the routing of data packages with examples
  • Introduction to Internet Protocol


Module 2 – Practical Elements

  • Differences between traditional and cloud hosting
  • Description, presentation and operation of computer data centres
  • Comparison of services offered by traditional and cloud web hosting
  • Introduction to innovative cloud technology
  • Introduction to GDPR Policy
  • Evaluation questionnaire


Module 3 – How to Face a Job Interview

  • Master in-demand soft skills
  • Efficient CVs
  • Useful advice for interviews



Foto in anteprima di Gerd Altmann da Pixabay

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