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Talent for Innovation

Talent for Innovation

Talent for Innovation

As we mentioned yesterday, the last day at Enterprise Garden, the summer school organised by the Fondazione Golinelli, was dedicated to the presentation of the projects to a jury of partners,  including the Fondazione Mondo Digitale who held the courses on digital manufacturing [see news: Enterprise Garden].


Eight projects were presented by high school students to the jury, which included Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], School Innovation and Community Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. “The students have a great potential. They are hungry to learn, to become talented and innovative. And they must be listened to, always. They deserve to sit at company brainstorming tables because they have the innate ability to think out of the box and empathise with clients and those who require a solution.”


  • Team 1 - Educ-I is a project addressing young students in fourth and fifth grade with visually impaired classmates that aims to raise awareness on the issue, educate and include through a game.
  • Team 2 - Lux Braille aims to improve existing braille displays. The technology employed on this product allows for less maintenance, but allows for 93 characters on 3 lines, along with a touch line to orient individuals feeling the text.
  • Team 3 - Vision Metric is a 25 cm x 25 cm tablet with vertically rising rods that are mechanically controlled to reproduce figures transmitted via PC or multimedia boards, allowing the objects to be felt.
  • Team 4 - Mathskin is a keyboard cover that allows visually impaired users to input all the mathematical characters necessary to solve complex mathematical expressions easily and rapidly.
  • Team 5 - Fluky is an app that provides subtitles to real-time speech. The output can then be summarised, organised and saved in files.
  • Team 6 – Our solution is a display that employs artificial intelligence to provide real-time subtitles to lessons. The display can easily be move around the classroom to allow it to be by the teacher.
  • Team 7 - Mhaik is a marketplace platform for selling and renting aides for visually impaired individuals.
  • Team 8 - Blin90 is a game for children in the first two years of primary school that can also be used by blind children. The game drives cooperation, socialisation and has an objective. 


Teams 1, 7 and 8 were selected by the jury. They were awarded with access to advanced training, a specialized 20-hour course (over the course of 5 months) to support them to further develop their projects.


Garden Enterprise is a project conceived by the Fondazione Golinelli and developed in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Istituto dei Ciechi Francesco Cavazza, Art-ER, Search ON, FIU and Legacoop.



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