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Swat and Dig4All on the Press

Swat e Dig4All sulla stampa

Swat and Dig4All on the Press

Swat and Dig4All on the Press

The projects will be presented today at Binario F

“The emergency is plain to see. Today, according to the most recent Istat data, 1.7 million young men and women, nearly 20% of the population aged 15-29, is a NEET, someone neither in education, employment, or training. This percentage, which is 7 points higher than the European average, mainly interest women (20.5%), youth in southern Italy (27.9%), and foreigners (28.8%).  In addition, in Italy, women have a far lesser chance of being employed than men. The female unemployment rate currently stands at 8.7% against 6.8% for men, and this gap increases for the 15-24 age group. Moreover, women have a non-participation rate of 42.7% against 24.3% for men.

These two innovative projects address NEETs and women with digital training courses aiming to custom tailor learning for the most requested professional profiles, selected by the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (the fund created through a partnership between public and private social enterprise). The projects will be presented today in Rome by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and its partners.”

This is the opening of the article on today’s economic daily Il Sole 24 Ore oggi  by Claudio Tucci.


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale launches two projects today in Rome

by Claudio Tucci

Il Sole 24 Ore, Sept. 27, 2023


In the Rome section of Il Messagero, Giampiero Valenza addresses women and NEETs.


LAZIO: more women hired, 58.1% HAs a job, but the digital gap remains

by Giampiero Valenza

Il Messaggero, Sept. 27, 2023

The projects were selected by the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale - Impresa sociale (Digital Republic Fund – Social Enterprise). The Digital Republic Fund was created through a partnership between public and private social services (Government and Association of Foundations and Savings Banks – ACRI) that for 2022-26 will experimentally allocate funding for ca. 350 million euro, provided by banking foundations. The objective is to expand digital skills and drive the country’s digital transition.  Fund programme will be implemented, in the framework of the PNRR (National Resilience and Recovery Plan) and the FNC (National Complementary Fund), by the Digital Republic Fund – Social Enterprise (created May 2022), a non-profit ACRI organisation.

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