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Presentation of Projects SWAT and DIG4ALL

Swat e Dig4All

Presentation of Projects SWAT and DIG4ALL

Presentation of Projects SWAT and DIG4ALL

Work Alliance for Youth and Women

An alliance for work that aims to confront the issues encountered by women and youth neither working, nor studying (NEETs) in finding an adequate professional role. On September 27, at 10:30, Binario F (Rome, Via Marsala 29H) will present Projects SWAT (Supporting Women, Arousing Talents) and DIG4ALL, selected by the Digital Republic Fund – Social Enterprise. Free on-line training, work orientation, individual interviews and certified skills make the projects particularly attractive to the two categories that today represent high unemployment levels in Italy. SWAT will address 250  women aged 18-50. The project partnership includes partnership includes the Fondazione Mondo Digitale (lead partners), ARCI APS, and Fondazione Adecco ETS, with the support of ING Bank Milan Branch. Project DIG4ALL addresses 240 young women and men aged 16-34 who are neither studying nor working (NEET) in six regions in central and northern Italy (Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, and Lazio). The partnership includes Fondazione Albero della Vita (lead partner) and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, with the support of Fondazione ITS Angelo Rizzoli per le Tecnologie dell'informazione e della Comunicazione, Webhelp Enterprise Sales Solutions Italy Srl. 

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