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Swat and Dig4All Kick Off

Swat e Dig4All

Swat and Dig4All Kick Off

Swat and Dig4All Kick Off

Eleven different proposals starting this week

This week marks the beginning of Projects Swat and Dig4All, which provide digital training courses with a focus on custom-tailored learning and the most in-demand profiles. Free training, work orientation, and certified skills are the characteristics that make these two projects especially attractive to the two categories that currently present the highest unemployment rates in Italy.

In particular, Project Supporting Women, Arousing Talents (SWAT) will address 250  unemployed women, aged 18-50, in search of employment and/or a better job.

Project Dig4All will address 240 young women and men aged 16-34 who are neither studying nor working (NEET) in six regions in central and northern Italy (Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, and Lazio).

Further information on individual courses is available in the “Formazione: Corsi e percorsi” section.


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