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Step by Step Stories

Step by Step Stories

Step by Step Stories

Last week witnessed the kick off of the second pilot course for European Project Welcome, financed by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration at the Central Level, which involves five European member states: Italy, Belgium, Greece, Germany and Spain.


The new pilot experience started with the Digital Storytelling Module held by Anna Uttaro, Professor of Technology at the Rome CPIA 1 and Fondazione Mondo Digitale Coach. After an initial warm-up phase and exercises to get acquainted with each other, the young participants started studying digital storytelling techniques. How does one tell a story through images, sounds, videos and digital tools?


Today, with Federica Pellegrini, Phyrtual Innovation Gym Coach, migrants experimented with the Stop Motion animation technique, a simple method for the development of short, but fascinating and efficient amateur videos. Participants used miniature cameras and specific software (i.e., Monkey Jam, Stop Motion Pro and others) to familiarise with the processes required to create a multimedia product.


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