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The school participates


The school participates

The school participates



The first on-line public consultation on constitutional reform ended on October 8 with the participation of various agencies and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Thanks to Project Grandparents on the Internet, the digital literacy plan based on the intergenerational learning model promoted by the FMD, student tutors helped elders to express their opinion, while the students enjoyed the opportunity of participating actively in the democratic process.
Schools participated in this process thanks to the “Day of Participation” devised by the Ministry for Constitutional Reform together with the Ministry for University, Instruction and Research. Moreover, other projects will be developed along these lines to raise awareness in school communities on these subjects.
On November 7 at 11.30 am at the Liceo Augusto in Rome (Via Adria 11), the Minister for Constitutional Reform Gaetano Quagliarello and Maria Chiara Carrozza, Minister for Instruction, University and Research, will answer the questions of the students and explain the results of the participation of Italian schools in this consultation. Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will speak on behalf of the Foundation, along with some of the protagonists of Grandparents on the Internet who participate in this event.
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