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School and Work


School and Work

School and Work


The “Out of the Box” Training Course presents school/work schemes for high school students: analysis of possible models, reviewing best active practices, developing planning and evaluation protocols.
The school/work didactic practice is fundamental to allow high schools to develop real skills and overcome the gap between learning and real life, between knowledge and hands-on practice, thinking and acting, both in the implementation of research or a task and in planning a project.
The “Out of the Box” Training Course provides didactic tracks in university and enterprise learning environments based on language, training objectives, issues, methods and the evaluation of experience.
Today’s Programme (1st Meeting)
Bologna, Biblioteca Zambeccari - Liceo Galvani
10:00 am -4:00 pm (with buffet lunch)
Work and Research Skills: Active Didactics
Tools for planning and evaluating curricula with school/work tracks
Maria Rosaria Capuano (Regional School Office - Lombardy): School/Work Tool Box: Economic Context, Didactics, Organisation; Expected Results: skills to develop and evaluate; key words; internal/external assessment
University Research: planning and management skills – Project IRRESISTIBLE
Margherita Venturi (Università di Bologna): Inquiry-based Learning, Project planning and management, 6-E Approach
Life skills and work competences via TIC: team building, coding and fab lab
Ana Lain (Fondazione Mondodigitale, Rome): a guided project proposal
Creation of project Groups. Collection and analysis of tested practices: strengths and weaknesses.


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