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“This Room is a Safe Place”

Terziario Donna Milano

“This Room is a Safe Place”

“This Room is a Safe Place”

Cybersecurity Awareness: third appointment with TD Learn&Give Back.

“This room is a safe place” was announced at the beginning of the third appointment of TDLEARN & GIVEBACK – What Type of AI for the women entrepreneurs of Terziario Donna Milano, in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale ETS. The session held on Thursday, November 21addressed on-line security and shed light on a crucial issue in today’s on-line world frm a perspective that blen ded technbical skills and personal experience [see news: The Human Factor in Security].

Marilisa Del Vecchio, a cybersecurity expert, guided the participants through a lively debate. Marilisa opened the session by presenting significant milestones in her personal and professional career. After obtaining a degree in IT Security and attending a master’s course on Cybersecurity and Data protection at il Sole 24 Ore, she worked both at KPMG and Accenture before embarking on a brave freelance career in 2024. And it’s not only about technology. Marilisa underlined the importance of the psychological aspect and her awareness of her life and work. Indeed, her versatility has led her to work as an ITS/IFTS teacher, an IT consultant, and an educational robotics teacher in elementary school. A heartfelt story that immediately create an atmosphere of trust, transforming the session into an opportunity for debate and sharing.

After a round of presentations, the session began with the introduction of the fundamental concepts necessary to increase digital awareness and protect one’s identity on-line. “Being aware is the first step necessary to protect oneself and others,” Marilisa underlines. The issue of digital identity was addressed through the analysis of the three main authentication methodologies: something you have (such as a physical key or device), something you know (password or PIN), or something you are (fingerprint or facial recognition). This inevitably led to a debate on the vulnerabilities related to the sharing of personal data and the need to adopt responsible behaviour. How aware are you of your digital identity? Have you ever wondered what personal information you are sharing on-line and how it is protected? What strategies or tools could you implement to improve the protection of your digital identity? What concrete measures could you adopt, starting today, to reduce your digital vulnerability?

The session then turned to the exploration of practical tools such as “Have I Been Pwned?” to verify the safety of one’s data, analysing the evolution of IT threats and risks such as phishing, smishing (phishing via SMS), and quishing (phishing via QR Code), an emerging form of fraud that takes advantage of the widespread use of QR codes. 

The discussions, based on the personal experiences of participants, revealed the necessity of developing tools and knowledge to recognise and face these threats.

How did the meeting end? With a reflection on the phrase pronounced at the beginning of the session. It refers to fear, a universal aspect of our digital experience, a powerful emotion that often guides our on-line behaviour. It is the fear of losing control of personal data, suffering identity theft, or being excluded from an increasingly interconnected world. However, if on the one hand this feeling can push us to react impulsively and irrationally, on the other hand, it represents a precious signal. It reminds us of the importance of being aware: aware of the risks and knowing how to manage them does not eliminate fear, but it gives us a direction, transforming it into a drive towards a safer and more conscious use of the digital world. After all, as Marilisa pointed out: "Fear is the emotion that drives us the most, even on the Internet."

See you on December 12 for the final meeting of TD Learn&Give Back!

Report by Elisabetta Gramatica, Project Officer and local coordinator for Milan and Turin

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