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The RomeCup Model

quarto numero della rivista della Fondazione Idis-Città della Scienza

The RomeCup Model

The RomeCup Model

The fourth issue of the “Fondazione Idis-Città della Scienza” magazine is on-line.

The fourth issue of the “Fondazione Idis-Città della Scienza” quarterly is now-online The magazine was developed as part of European Project SCI-CO+ High Professional Skills for Advanced Science Communication (Erasmus+), which involves a consortium of eight organisations from five European countries, including the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

The New Frontiers of Communications in Science magazine is not only meant for experts – particularly science museum and centre managers and personnel – but also teachers of scientific subjects, university researchers, public and private research centre personnel, scientific communications experts, especially publishers, technological innovation experts, and young degree holders who wish to undertake a career in the sector.

Amongst the articles, we would like to highlight the special on Inclusive Communication Amongst Robots: The RomeCup Model to Explore Technologically-intense Collaborative Processes written by Mirta Michilli and Alfonso Molina.


The RomeCup Model  to Explore Technologically-intense Collaborative Processes

Alfonso Molina and Mirta Michilli

New Frontiers of Communication in Science

Sci-Co+ magazine, issue N. 4, pages 12-13


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