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The RomeCup Finals


The RomeCup Finals

The RomeCup Finals


All the teams in the Primary and Secondary Dance categories will perform at the Campidoglio.
The final challenge in the Rescue Primary (rescue robots) category is between Robfuturistico and CSI Mappano, both teams from the Istituto comprensivo G. Falcone in Mappano.
The teams from Da Vinci di Arcidosso, S. Fedi in Pistoia and Volta in Pescara will compete for the Rescue Secondary award.
The robots programmed by teams from Von Neumann and Galilei in Rome (P.F. and Principessa) have qualified for the Explorer Junior finals.
Ketavet, Zippo and Truce from Itis Pacinotti in Rome will compete for the Explorer Senior category.
The Soccer Light Weight challenge is between SPQR Levis and Lyons, two cooperative teams from Von Neumann-Galilei.
The Soccer Open League is still wide open:
Pivo Teams (Maserati di Voghera) and Star (Itis Pacinotti, Rome) for 5° and 6° place;
Leonardo (Manetti, Grosseto) and Gladiators (Von Neumann+Galilei) for 3° and 4° place;
SPQR Gravis (Von Neumann+Galilei) and Manetti (Da Vinci, Arcidosso) for 1° and 2° place.
Humanoid soccer robots from Spain and the USA (Standard Platform League) will compete for the 3rd place. SPQR+UChile (Italy and Chile) and Austrian Kangaroos (Austria) will compete for the first place.
The winners in the Dance Primary, Soccer Light Weightand Soccer Open League categories will participate in the upcoming Istanbul Robtics World Championships.



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