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Robots in the Workplace

Coding Girls a Bergamo: due sessioni formative in programma
Foto di Mikhail Nilov

Robots in the Workplace

Robots in the Workplace

Coding Girls in Bergamo: two training sessions.

This week, there will be two training sessions for Project Coding Girls a Bergamo, the new robotic declination of the national programme that seeks to promote gender equality in the technical and scientific fields.

Experts from Roboteco-Italargon will guide the students through interactive talks on the challenges that robotic solutions pose in the workplace. The sessions will be introduced and concluded by Eleonora Curatola, Project officer and school coordinator for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale ETS

The first session will be held tomorrow – Wednesday, November 6 –  with two classes coordinated by Luciano Cauzzi at the Liceo Scientifico Amaldi in Alzano Lombardo. The school is directed by Francesca Pergami

The training session will be held by experts from Roboteco Italargon:

The second meeting will be held on Thursday, November 7 (9:00-10:00) at the Istituto Caterina Caniana in Bergamo, coordinated by Mariagrazia Agostinelli. The coordinating professor is Susanna Fiermonte. The session will be held by: 

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