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Robotics in Salerno


Robotics in Salerno

Robotics in Salerno



Promoted by the Municipality of Salerno in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the Istituto comprensivo Salerno V di Ogliara (Salerno), the project addresses the issues of school dropouts, fully values excellency and promotes local development.
The final event was held in the Town Hall’s Sala dei Marmi on May 20th with all the project protagonists. The Mayor of Salerno, Vincenzo De Luca, gave the welcome speech. 
The pilot edition of Salerno Smart is part of the Salerno Città Educativa Project (Science and Technology Section) that aims to help students become responsible citizens and develop critical scientific and technological skills.
The strategic plan addresses a series of action lines: teacher training on educational robotics held by sector experts to prepare them for student interactive laboratories and innovative didactic materials;  open events for citizens to increase the use of robotics in school; and the participation of students in robotics competitions.
The project has involved two sections of the kindergarten (Giovi e Ogliara), 3 classes from the primary school (S. Angelo, Ogliara e Giovi Piegolelle) and two first-degree secondary school classes (Giovi e Ogliara).
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