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The objective is to develop a long-term national strategy for Educational Robotics. The protocol aims to stimulate and promote a national long-term process to unite all the actors of Italian Robotics: industry, services, universities, research centres, schools and the third sector. This will help the network delineate a clear picture of the many opportunities provided by Robotics - from primary school to industry – and promote student orientation towards scientific and technological careers.
Italian excellence in Robotics can bring transversal benefits to all of society and become an axis for the strategic development for the smart specialization of Roma Capitale and respond to the challenges set by Europe 2020.
The Memorandum of Understanding – the only one of its kind in Italy – was signed at the Rome Campidoglio on March 16, 2011 during the fifth edition of the RomeCup – Excellence in Robotics in Rome by 36 signatories that have since become 62.
The agreement is open to all interested parties.
For further information:
• Strategic Roadmap – developed by Alfonso Molina, President of the Coordination Table for the Multi-Sector Network for Educational Robotics in Italy, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the FMD.