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Ri-connect is Born

Ri-connect is Born

Ri-connect is Born

Ri-connect is a new educational network dedicated to the prevention of bullying and cyberbullying in the northern Province of Milan. The Carlo Dell’Acqua School in Legnano (Milan) launched the challenge to local actors in response to a call promoted in January by the Regione Lombardia and the Regional School Department, as the lead partner of a project that collects and organises skills from over fifty stakeholders, including local administrations, schools and training agencies and third sector organisations (many of which already participate in  Relè, the Legnano Education Network). The school was selected amongst many candidates as a reference point for the Metropolitan City of Milan.


The call was won with the fundamental support of the Council of Legnano and the many associations that are active locally.


The network agreement, which was recently fine-tuned by the participating agencies, calls for activities to begin in September with proposals that will be implemented through educational and informative events and systemic action to prevent the growing adolescent phenomena of bullying and cyberbullying.


The project will purse three main actions in 2021-22:

  • School as a local fulcrum
  • Monitoring local solutions
  • Experiences of diversity


The activities, based on the three indicated action lines, will be conceived, and developed in collaboration with all partners, as in the candidature phase, to provide the full potential of a new organisational and operative model for the proposed network.


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is one of the nodes of the educational network.


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