2 min.
While we are busy with the Coding Girls Rome-USA event, how can we not remember the long-term perspective of Mariella Gramaglia who supported the Consorzio Gioventù Digitale, from its inception as a public-private partnership, and to all the projects promoting the empowerment of women? And not only. She supported us in every challenge fought against inequality, in every part of the world.
“Courage, passion, competence, seriousness and an extraordinary force, together with a resolve never to give up.” This is how Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale remembers Mariella Gramaglia. “I learned a lot from Mariella. Often when I have to face a difficult issue, I think about here unique way of interpreting a feminine role, with great resolve and style.”

At the “La scuola italiana è viva” exhibition, organized in 2006 at the Rome Campidoglio, Mariella Gramaglia, Simplification, Communication and Equal Opportunities Councillor, defined the Consorzio Gioventù Digitale as a strategic resource. “This non-profit structure, which sees the participation of ICT companies that are vital to the Roman economy, has allowed us to implement fundamental policies such as promoting innovation in public schools, helping youth to acquire the computer knowledge necessary to access the working world, promoting digital literacy and fighting the digital divide amongst youth in the poorer areas of the world.

The Consortium is a precious tool for promoting council objectives,” Gramaglia concluded, “including those promoting a greater awareness of technology amongst the Roman population, beginning from youth to all the categories at greatest risk of social marginalisation.