2 min.
Project I.P.R.IT. – Immigrazione Percorsi di Regolarità in Italia (Regular Immigration Routes towards Italy) is financed by the Italian Ministry of the Interior Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration – Central Direction for Immigration and Asylum Policy. The project is implemented by the Rome Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS in collaboration with ANOLF Maroc (Casablanca) and ANOLF Tunisia (Tunis) and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale (Rome).
The project has promoted informed and conscientious immigration in the two main countries of origin for most immigrants to Italy (half a million from Morocco and 122,000 Tunisians).
Final Conference Programme
MAROCCO AND TUNISIA: Regular Immigration Routes towards Italy
Rome, April 29, 2015: 10:30 am -1:00 pm
Banca Monte Paschi di Siena Conference Centre
Via Minghetti 30/a, Rome (Piazza Colonna)
“Institutional Action and Relations with Northern Africa”
Mario Morcone, Head of Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration, Ministry of the Interior
Project Presentations
Antonio Ricci, IPRIT Project Manager - Centro Studi e Ricerche Idos
IPRIT – An Answer to Immigration from North Africa
Mohamed Saady, President, Associazione Nazionale Oltre le Frontiere (ANOLF)
The Role of Immigrant Associations to Promote Regular Immigration
Faouzi M’rabet, Director, Tunisian Socio-Cultural Centre (Rome)
The Objective of Promoting Integration: the Work of the Tunisian Socio-Cultural Centre
Ilaria Graziano, Projects and Development, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Digital Tools for Education: Presentation of the IPRIT Educational Kit
Dott. Mohamed Ali Mahyoub, Social Affairs Councillor, Tunisian Embassy in Italy
His Excellency Hassan Abouyoub, Moroccan Ambassador to Italy
The Expectations of North African Countries
Ugo Melchionda, President, Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS
· Carmelita F. Ammendola, International Relations Manager, Ministry of the Interior Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration
· Franco Pittau, Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS
For further information and registration:
Roma, Idos, +39 06 66514345, idos@dossierimmigrazione.it
All participants will receive a free copy of the “IPRIT Morocco” and “IPRIT Tunisia” Guides