I Had an Idea: a photo story developed by students in Class 4D
The coffee machine in the school's didactic bar is broken and lessons have become theoretical and boring, until a new purchase arrives. But even before being installed, while it is packed on the trolley ready for transport to the bar, the new coffee machine disappears. Who stole it? The students want to avoid calling the police and decide to act as detectives. Who is the culprit?
The authors of the fun and exciting photo story (Na’ tazzulella ‘e cafè) are students in Class 4D at the Vittorio Veneto Hotel School in Naples, the school directed by Olimpia Pasolini who joined the second edition of the Project I Had an Idea!, promoted by Room to Read (US NGO active in the empowerment of young women and girls) with Fondazione Mondo Digitale, FEdUF and L’Altra Napoli.
The local coordinator Fabiana Mugione speaks with great enthusiasm about the change in attitude noticed amongst the students. After beginning with detachment and indifference, as they felt the creation of a photo novel was beyond their skills and interests, the students progressively became more and more involved and passionate. By the end of the project, they were "transformed," more united, and cohesive. They learned the value of collaboration and mutual help. They discovered themselves stronger and more mature.
Throughout the process of creating the photo story, they were accompanied by Coach Cristina Biasini, an invaluable consultant with writing skills in different genres. But who stole the coffee machine? And when will it be returned to the didactic bar of the “Usual Suspects?”
We don't want to spoil the outcome of this unusual school mystery... those who are curious will just have to read the full story! While school enthusiasts already know how it ends: a real school is always unpredictable! And the real school in Naples is what they know!