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Put Yourself to the Test with Empathy


Put Yourself to the Test with Empathy

Put Yourself to the Test with Empathy

Focus on Joinclusion at the AIP National Congress

The 35th congress of the Italian Psychology Association  (AIP, September 25-27) opens today at the University of Foggia with a dedicated focus to JOINclusion, the European project conceived through the collaboration of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering at the University of Maastricht, the Natural and Artificial Cognition Lab at the “Federico II” University of Naples, and Odyssea Academy Greece. The project employs and innovative approach to help students develop empathy and a greater awareness and understanding of different cultures through play.

Speakers for "JOINclusion. Game Implementation on Mobile Devices for Social Inclusion of Children and Adolescents in Multicultural Scholastic Contexts" include Alessandra Colella, psychologist and doctoral students in Mind Gender and Language, Davide Marocco, Professor of Psychometry on the research team of the “Federico II” University of Naples Department of Humanities, and Annaleda Mazzucato, Project Manager at FMD. 

This focus, as part of the session dedicated to “Virtual Environments and Digital Tools” will take place today, in lecture hall 6 with discussant Raffaele Di Fuccio from the Pegaso On-line University.

The meeting will allow the speakers to present the methodology developed by the University of Naples to test the game, which is being conducted in Italy by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, along with the first usability results for the game. The beta version of the game is being tested by Italian primary school students with custom-tailored versions of the Extended Short Feedback Questionnaire (Moser et al., 2012) and Instructional Game Evaluation (Tan et al., 2010). Initial usability results have been positive. The beta version includes two six-level scenarios that target increasingly complex abilities: starting from the identification of other people’s emotions, based on expressive and social signals, to collaborative team work to resolve problems.  


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