Factor J: educational session with students from the Liceo Agnesi in Milan
In two weeks, World AIDS Day (December 1) will focus on "Putting Ourselves to the Test: Achieving Equity to End HIV." Unfortunately, during the pandemic the fight against Aids came to a stop. The alarm was launched for the 24th International Conference on AIDS, held in August in Montreal (Canada), at chich new guidelines were shared. “Prevention efforts were blocked with 1.5 million new HIV infections in 2021, the same as 2020” and “4000 new infection a day in 2021,” explain WHO experts.
Yesterday, students at the Milan Liceo Gaetana Agnesi , coordinated by Prof. Matilde Catacchio, addressed the issue of prevention. Seventy students met with Ada Moznich, a counsellor of the Network HIV-positive Individuals (NPS Italia), one of the associations that is part of the network of Project Factor J, promoted with Janssen. Students also spoke with Doctor Daniele Tesoro, an infectious diseases expert, and Coach Roberta Moretti.
According to the most recent data from the Institute for Higher Health, the virus is gaining ground amongst youth “due to a drop in attention and the underestimation of risk.”