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Playing with Sustainable Development

Cittadinanza digitale integrata e sostenibilità alla primaria

Playing with Sustainable Development

Playing with Sustainable Development

GreenComp and citizenship labs at primary school

Although it integrates perfectly with the other studies published by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), DigComp (digital skills), EntreComp (entrepreneurial skills), and LifeComp (social, personal and learning competences), GreenComp  may be the least known. The title, strongly supported by the experts, risks misleading one, because in reality the study defines the European framework of sustainability skills, and not just environmental or "green" ones.

For the JRC, GreenComp must be treated as a document to be tested in the field. It’s a challenge that we pass on to all teachers. We experiment with it in the ninth teaching unit, entitled "Playing with Sustainable Development,"  of the Integrated Digital Citizenship and Sustainability in Primary School published by Erickson Editions.

The three authors, Valeria Bonatti, Marisa Napoli and Valentina Zambelli, guide us through the creation of a board game that merges the logic of board games (such as the Game of the Goose) with question cards based on the objectives of the Agenda 2030.

Are we ready to wager on our sustainability skills? Does the teaching unit, which is based on the gamification methodology, really help children plan and act to promote sustainability? Can it develop a real capacity for action? Remember that the 12 skills defined by GreenComp are applicable to all students, regardless of age and level of education and in any educational context: formal, non-formal, or informal.

If you like the proposal, all you have to do is purchase the volume at a bookshop or on-line and try the other activities with your classes. The publishing house has provided a selection of pages for your perusal.

And if you have ideas or projects that you have already tried successfully, contact the "Our School Professors" Community. It is a community open to everyone's contributions. Write Francesca Aghemo at



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