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A Passion for Technology


A Passion for Technology

A Passion for Technology


Teachers from four local schools (IC 82° Salvo D’Acquisto, Liceo artistico statale, Itis "G. Ferraris", ISIS L. De Medici), a headmaster and five professional volunteers from Auser and Anteas participated in the first workshop in the Campania Region to kick off the digital literacy project for the elderly based on inter-generational learning
The Nonni Sud Internet Project, developed in collaboration with Anteas and Auser and the contribution of the Fondazione con il Sud, will have to face local issues, too.  In the audio clip, Marina Cerza, technology manager and coordinator of the project at the 82° Salvo D’Acquisto primary school, explains the social context in which the school operates between Miano and Scampia. For the first time, the project welcomes some extremely young grandmothers, aged 40-42.



Ana Lain (Fondazione Mondo Digitale), who coordinates the course, visited the three Auser and Anteas offices to monitor the state of the lab preparations. The offices will be equipped with multi-function workstations (3 networked PCs, printer, headphones, webcam and microphone) to manage, monitor and document the project.
Antonio Ugliano, Manager of the "Filo d'Argento Ottaviano" Auser Office explains how the elder live in Ottaviano, a town with 24,000 residents.



The Nonni SUD Internet Project is financed by the Fondazione per il Sud as part of the Special and Innovative Projects action line.

The Project in brief [pdf]

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