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The Pandemic and Distance Learning

The Pandemic and Distance Learning

The Pandemic and Distance Learning

A new contribution by Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale,  has been published on the Italian version of the HuffPost. It’s dedicated to the results of the standardised school tests (“Prove Invalsi”) during the pandemic.


In a short article, Prof. Molina analyses the results of recent standardised school tests, as reported by the ANSA News Agency [I 'danni' della Dad, 1 su 2 termina la scuola impreparato], to propose a different point of view. “It’s the pandemic that has seriously hindered learning, not distance learning, which notwithstanding all its limitations and urgent implementation, including the lack of devices, has allowed us to limit the damage caused by the closing of schools.”


We need a historical perspective on technological development, because “this is not the first time that technology helps us to enhance educational opportunities. In fact, distance learning has distant roots.”


The Future Needs the Past, at School, too (in Italian)

It’s the pandemic that has seriously hindered learning, not distance learning

By Alfonso Molina

HuffPost, July 20, 2021





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