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Orientation is not a Choice

Mind the gap

Orientation is not a Choice

Orientation is not a Choice

The vision of Project “Mind the Gap”

On their LinkedIn profile, ActionAid, lead partner of Project Mind the gap, have shared a short post and video on the project’s progress and outlook, together with project partners, beginning with the orientation process.

By orientation, we do not only mean the choices made by students between scholastic stages, but also the entire process of awareness that they undertake in making these choices, free of social, economic, and family conditioning.

Funded by the Territorial Cohesion Agency as part of the Development and Cohesion Fund, Mind the Gap, which acts in Milan’s Municipio IV as part of Project Openspace, is a three-year project (2022-25). ActionAid is the lead partner with a partnership including the Milan Council, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, and Junior Achievement. The project mainly targets young men and women, aged 11-17, but involves the entire local educational community: families, teachers, associations, and local institutions.

The suburban Municipio IV in Milan presents fragmented resources and both social and local risk factors, as well as lacking spaces for youth socialisation. Therefore, the project aims to reduce the effects of these factors and generate growth opportunities and allow young men and women to become protagonists of their lives.



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