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One Year of OpenSpace

One Year of OpenSpace

One Year of OpenSpace

Today, Monday, June 3, at 9 am the Istituto comprensivo Grimaldi-Lombardi will host students, teachers and institutions participating in Project OpenSpace to assess the initial activities developed against educational poverty and celebrate with the educational community.


Participants include Bari Welfare Councillor Francesca Bottalico; School Administrators Giuseppina Pastore (IC Grimaldi-Lombardi), Paola Petruzzelli (IISS Majorana), Ermelinda Cucumazzo (IC Don Milani); Luca Fanelli, ActionAid Project Manager, and Antonella Fumai, Coordinator for the Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II non-profit.


Moreover, there will also be some of the associations working with OpenSpace, the project selected by Con i Bambini as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of minors:  Federgat, JA Italia, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Mario Cucinella Architects together with SOS School Of Sustainability and Cittadinanzattiva.


Giovanna Cipolla will be the Fondazione Mondo Digitale tutor in Bari. Together with the students, they will show the parents and participants who they learned to use stop motion and Tinkercad (Fab Lab) and to shoot footage and video interviews (Video Lab).


Other project partners will also present activities, including a social theatre performance. In the afternoon, starting at 2:30 pm, the Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II will host a project partner meeting addressing: 

  • Points in common and differences in the didactic-pedagogic methodologies;
  • Relation between OpenSpace actions and school didactics: strengths and points for improvement;
  • Possible synergies amongst partners;
  • Elements promoting common work.


Some of the activities in Bari are described in the collective blog (in Italian):


The poster with the morning programme



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