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NSI in Veneto


NSI in Veneto

NSI in Veneto
Grandparents on the Internet, the digital literacy plan for over-sixties held by student tutors, is also kicking off in Illasi (Verona). In ten editions, the project has allowed over 16,000 seniors to learn about the Internet with the help of 13,320 student tutors and 1150 coordinating teachers.
Active ageing, digital skills, social inclusion, volunteering … the intergenerational learning model developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale has become a renowned national (present in 17 Italian regions) and international model (8 European countries). Over one hundred Italian schools have joined the project, including a true plethora of local adaptations with local agencies, associations, institutions and companies.
The Istituto Comprensivo Don Lorenzo Milani - Scuola Secondaria di I grado "G. Zamboni" in Illasi (Verona) will host the course with Professor Francesco Battaglia and his student tutors thanks also to the patronage of the Illasi Town Hall.
“The Municipality of Illasi has decided to sponsor the initiative to increase the cultural and emotional experience of students and promote personal growth amongst different generations.”
From North to Southern Italy, during the 2012-2013 school year, the regions running Grandparents on the Internet Projects are Liguria, Molise, Tuscny and Veneto.
In Southern Italy, the project is financed by the Fondazione con il Sud, extending the intergenerational learning model to Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia with the collaboration of Auser and Anteas.
Moreover, students in Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont and Umbria will teach adults to use e-mail, on-line e-gov services, chats and office programmes.
Students learn and grow with this experience of intergenerational solidarity. The young and elderly exchange skills. The experience of the elderly becomes a treasure trove for the future of the young.
Once again, the Grandparents on the Internet courses will include the didactic manuals for tutors, elders, and teachers and enjoy video lessons, recycling labs, the knowledge volunteer network, the digital literacy week and credits for students.

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