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Neither Working, Nor Studying

Dig4All: tre corsi in partenza per lavorare tra grafica e web
Foto di Ivan Samkov

Neither Working, Nor Studying

Neither Working, Nor Studying

Dig4All: three courses kick off to work on graphics and the web.

Would you like to become a graphic designer? Does the web fascinate you? If you are aged 16-34 and neither study nor work, there still are places available for three free courses organised by Project Dig4All. There is only one requirement. You can only apply if you reside in one of these six regions: Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, and Lazio.

Specialisation Course on Graphic Design

Objective: This is an interactive and engaging course that explores the world of graphic design, the basics of drawing, and graphics. Participants are encouraged and motivated to develop original graphic material using their creativity.

Duration: 160 hours in 4 months (90 synchronous + 70 asynchronous). From Monday, March 11 to Monday, July 15 APPLY

Specialisation Course on Web Content Management

Objective: The course shows how to develop and manage an efficient content management strategy, create and publish content with CMS systems (WordPress), develop an editorial plan for social media, and the fundamentals of search engine optimisation.
Duration: 160 hours in 4 months (90 synchronous + 70 asynchronous). From Tuesday, March 5 to Thursday, June 6. APPLY

Course on Data Visualization

Objective: Learn to create clear and comprehensible graphics to communicate significant information through data. The course will cover issues ranging from spreadsheets to visual participation and statistics.
Duration: 100 hours in 2 months (50 synchronous + 50 asynchronous). From Friday, March 8 to Thursday, May 9. APPLY 

Funded by the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (Onlife Call), Dig4All is an initiative that aims to provide reskilling and upskilling to 240 young people between the ages of 15 and 34 who currently neither study, nor work (NEETs). The project is held in six regions of Central and Northern Italy, including Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, and Lazio. Applications for Dig4All will remain open until all places are filled. The partnership includes the Albero della Vita Foundation (lead partner), the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, the ITS Angelo Rizzoli Foundation for Information and Communication Technologies, and Webhelp Enterprise Sales Solutions Italy Srl.



Finanziato dal Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (bando Onlife), Dig4All è un'iniziativa che mira a fornire delle competenze di reskilling e upskilling a 240 giovani tra i 15 e i 34 anni che attualmente non studiano e non lavorano (Neet). Il progetto si svolge in sei regioni del Centro e Nord Italia, inclusi Lombardia, Liguria, Piemonte, Emilia Romagna, Umbria e Lazio. Le iscrizioni a Dig4All sono ancora aperte fino all’esaurimento dei posti. Il partenariato è composto da Fondazione Albero della Vita (capofila), Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Fondazione ITS Angelo Rizzoli per le Tecnologie dell'informazione e della Comunicazione, Webhelp Enterprise Sales Solutions Italy Srl

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