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A Neighborhood School


A Neighborhood School

A Neighborhood School
In the Paolo VI suburb of Taranto, the Istituto comprensivo L. Pirandello faces a series of problems ranging from the integration of disabled youth to the presence of foreign minors. It’s a difficult neighborhood, especially for the new generations, but it’s also very lively and full of resources.
The school has managed to involve the students’ families – from kindergarten to first degree secondary school - in the course offerings. Now, the school is one of the 36 to host the Nonni SUD Internet courses promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with Auser and Anteas. Cecilia Stajan has recorded a series of impressions:
Paola Buongiorno, English Teacher



Rossella Rossi, Director Admin. Services



Mimma Peluso, young President of the Auser Tamburi Centre, twinned with IC Pirandello and It is Pacinotti. Many women have returned to school to obtain their middle school diploma.



Mary, volunteer (23)




The Nonni SUD Internet Project is financed by the Fondazione per il Sud as part of the Special and Innovative Projects action line.

The Project [pdf]

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