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Mattia and Rosanna


Mattia and Rosanna

Mattia and Rosanna


Ms. Rosanna is only 50, but her curiosity got the better of her when she saw the stand of the Digital Angels at the Galleria Alberto Sordi.
The young tutor Mattia cleared some of her doubts on social networks. Then, click by click, Mattia discovered that Rosanna is a geneticist and an endless source of information on the best scientific sites to consult.
Ana Lain, in a brief interview, summarises the efficacy of inter-generational learning. The benefits begin immediately, even in an unexpected encounter, because it is all based on the exchange of knowledge and skills.



Mattia attends the Istituto superiore Giovanni Falcone, one of the Roman schools that participates in Project TeleMouse to teach elders to use PCs and surf the web.
The course, held in the school multimedia lab, is attended by the members of the Tenuta di Torrenova elderly centre. This is one of the elderly centres that enjoys the use of a three computer Internet Corner set up by Telecom Italia with the collaboration of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
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