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Maria, the 2.0 Grandma


Maria, the 2.0 Grandma

Maria, the 2.0 Grandma
It’s immediately clear to everyone that Ms. Maria is a super grandma! She begins by telling the audience about her life travelling around the world (she even walked along the Great Wall of China), her passion for handicrafts, especially glass and copper work.
Then she showed us her Internet site, where she sells the products, operating the PC herself.  Then, she leaves a comment on the blog of the Grandparents on the Internet Project before starting work as a digital volunteer. She is wearing a “Digital Pills” t-shirt and works together with the students to interview other elders and understand their relation with technology.
Yesterday, she had a dinner appointment and left, but promised to return tonight with a friend and continue helping out with the Digital Pills.
The audioclip contains a discussion between Cecilia Stajano, Grandma Maria and her grandson Gioacchino, a student at the Liceo Burratti, who interrupted his vacation in Sardinia to work as a knowledge volunteer. Maria was invited to the Festival of Digital Culture by her grandson and what a surprise she turned out to be!



She was nicknamed Grandma 2.0 by the Training and Work Councilor of the Province of Viterbo Paolo Bianchini, who spent a lot of time with the knowledge volunteers.

“The Network of Knowledge Volunteers is a unique experience,” the Councilor pointed out. “It’s one of the few cases in which the young and the elderly exchange knowledge and experience. One of those rare moments in which it's the young who teach the elderly.””



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