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The Mappano Rescuers Win


The Mappano Rescuers Win

The Mappano Rescuers Win


They learn to programme rescue robots at ten to help in rescue missions, from earthquakes to terrorist attacks.


The young designers attend the Istituto comprensivo Giovanni Falcone di Mappano (Turin). In 2004, Mathematics Professor Francesco Grassi brought Robotics to school. It was the first time that the school participated in RomeCup 2011 with two teams registered for the Rescue primary category. The CSI Mappano team won the category.


Elisa Amorelli interviewed Prof. Grassi during the competitions in the main lecture hall of Itis Galilei.



Robotic Piedmont at the RomeCup 2011
Ipisia G.Galilei (Turin), Istituto superiore Vallauri di Fossano (Cuneo), Rete Robotica a scuola , Comau, AMMA, the Turin Industrial Union and Chamber of Commerce adhered to the network for the creation of a long-term national strategy for educational robotics that was signed on March 16, 2011 at the Campidoglio. L’Istituto comprensivo “Giovanni Falcone” di Mappano (Turin) participates in the Rescue Primary category with two teams. Comau and Rete Robotica a scuola will animate the SIM 3D-Lite Laboratory.
 The Istituto G. Vallauri di Fossano presents the Mars Rover robot. The Rete Robotica a scuola Network, in collaboration with the Piedmont Regional School Department and Festo Italia, will organize three didactic laobratories: Learn by Roboting, Little Robot, Build Your Robot. The circolo didattico “A. Gramsci” di Beinasco (Turin) will participate in the lab with Scribble and We Do.


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