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From Looking for Employment to Digital Marketing

Webinar di Job Digital Lab

From Looking for Employment to Digital Marketing

From Looking for Employment to Digital Marketing

Job Digital Lab: April sessions

Do you need to learn new digital skills for your professional future? Do you know people looking for a job but without adequate knowledge of new technology?

Job Digital Lab courses, developed in collaboration with Ing Italia, address a wide range of topics, from digital marketing to data analysis, from podcasting to online safety. The next local events are in Palermo and Matera.

In particular, the April 4 webinar on "Job: Looking for or Proposing /t?" (17-18) will provide useful tools for active job search [registration].

For those interested in creating a podcast, the webinar on April 6, 5-6 pm, with Coach Fiammetta Castagnini, will guide you through the fundamental phases of product design to help the most creative talent to follow their passions even at work [registration].

Knowing the correct behaviour to adopt on social networks and on the web protects you from errors and deceptions and allows you to use the network as a place for professional development and networking. The "Security and Privacy" webinar, scheduled for April 14, 5-6 pm, will be held by Coach Silvia Franceschini [registration].

For those committed to the development of a company, the session on "Social Media Analytics, Open and Big Data: Analysing Data to Improve Corporate Strategy" will be held on April 26, from 5 to 6 pm [registration].







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