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The Little Prince’s Climate Voyage

Docenti della scuola del noi Merge Cube

The Little Prince’s Climate Voyage

The Little Prince’s Climate Voyage

“Our School” Professors: Experience with Lara Rollo’s CoSpaces and Merge Cube.

Our tenth instalment dedicated to the “Our School” Professors Community, we learn about  the CoSpaces and Merge Cube didactic applications with Lara Rollo, a primary school teacher at IC Velletri Centro in Velletri, in the Province of Rome.

As the digital coordinator and an expert teacher, the professor was twice a finalist at the International Global Junior Challenge.  

Lara, together with colleagues Barbara Avella, Mauro Crepaldi, Angela Fumasoni, and Giorgia Moschini worked on the first teaching unit of Integrated Digital Citizenship and Sustainability in Primary School (Erickson, 2023), entitled “Brr…Che caldo!” that asks students to confront, through fantastic storytelling, one of the most important challenges of our time: global warming.

“Children love listening to fairy tales but when they rework the contents, personalizing them, even in group activities, their involvement becomes magical," explains teacher Lara. "The story of the “Little Prince” has always been a favourite of both adults and children. Attributing a contemporary value such as climate change to this story has made it even more precious and current. Their interest went exponential when they started using the “CoSpaces” application and augmented reality through “Merge Cube”. The teachers of the class involved created a "Padlet" and the children included all the thoughts and emotions they felt during the creation of the work. The parents were delighted to see their work and the final product." 


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