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Let Your Neighbourhood be Heard

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Let Your Neighbourhood be Heard

Let Your Neighbourhood be Heard

Peer Sharing: an artistic contest for youth in Rome’s Municipio VII.

What do young people think about the neighbourhoods in Rome’s Municipio VII? Finding this out is the objective of “Let Your Neighbourhood be Heard,” an artistic contest aiming to involve young men and women aged 12-17.

Youth centres and associations are invited to propose projects for training new groups or involving activities already underway. Between November and April, activities will kick off to develop performances presenting the point of view of students.

From literature to visual design, from photography to music and dance … students can express their views in many different ways and portray how teenagers feel about where they live.

The initiative is part of Project Peer Sharing – Educational Community, developed by ForumSad (lead partner) and 13 partners, in Rome’s Municipio VII to bolster the areas educational services. 

The site of the lead partner includes a map of all the initiatives in Rome’s Municipio VII.

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