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Learning is Spectacular

Crateri lunari: debate e investigazione di Barbara Avella

Learning is Spectacular

Learning is Spectacular

Barbara Avella’s project at the European “Science on Stage” Festival.

Lunar Craters: Debate and Investigation, a project by Barbara Avella, professor and digital coordinator at the Istituto comprensivo Via Casal Bianco in Rome, is one of the eleven Italian projects selected by the European Science on Stage Festival that will be held in Finland on August 12-15, 2024.

Barbara, who is an active participant of the “Our School” Community, is also one of the authors of the first chapter of the textbook on Integrated Digital Citizenship and Sustainability in Primary School  (Erickson, 2023), entitled “Brr…Che caldo!”.

Science on Stage Italia selected innovative projects for teaching STEM in all types of schools. The best works can be shared at Science on Stage Europe to present experimental science in a spectacular and fun manner. Ca. 150 teachers of STEM subjects from 30 countries will participate in the event. It will be a great opportunity to exchange practical concepts on teaching and innovative ideas.

Barbara Avella’s project, which brings together debate methodologies and scientific education based on investigation (IBSE), was developed with a fifth-grade class characterised by general demotivation and conflict. The project was implemented right before the lockdown, in the spring of 2020, through an initial engagement phase with books (also in English) and various videos: movies, cartoons, photos taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).

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