“Digital skills and tools to incentivise the access and permanence of young men and women on the job market.” This is the challenge launched by the Youth Policy Council of the City of Alessandria for the 5th civic challenge, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Facebook Italia, following the events held in Rome, Rovigo, Brindisi and Messina.
Jobs of the Future
Digital skills and tools to incentivise the access and permanence of young men and women on the job market
5th Civic challenge in Alessandria
May 11, 2022, 15.30 – 18.00
Live plenary session on the Binario F Facebook Page
Register on our distance learning platform
In Alessandria, local businesses will work on identifying innovative solutions to promote the development of digital knowledge and skills and the professional and personal lives of young men and women for their full participation in the working world.
The first part of the event will feature a plenary session (15.30-16.30) that will be streamed lie on the Binario F Facebook Page. From 16.30 to 18.00, the work group will bring together youth associations, schools, trade associations, and local actors and stakeholders interested in the issue of youth policy and employment.
To participate in the event and/or workgroup, please register on our distance learning platform.
Please confirm your registration with m.lascialfari@mondodigitale.org or call 3922346866.
Moderator: Sandro Marenco, Professor, Liceo scientifico “G.Galilei” and content creator
15.30 | Alessandria – A City at the Service of Its Community
- Cherima Fteita Firial, Youth Policy Councillor, City of Alessandria
15.40 | Working Together Against the Digital Divide
- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
15.45 | Binario F for Community Development
- Matteo Franza, Project Lead, Binario F
15.50 | Jobs of the Future: Knowledge and Skills
- Francesca D’Amato, Group Chief Data Officer, RCS MediaGroup
- Stefano Martini, Circular Economy Lab Manager, Intesa San Paolo Innovation Centre
- Federica Sassone, HR & Organization Manager, ALBA Robot
16.30 | Digital Skills for Youth in Alessandria to Access the Working World
Debate and co-design session with representatives of the local authorities, second-degree secondary school students, youth associations and schools.
17.50 | Presentation of Proposals and Conclusions
The civic challenges are promoted by Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Facebook Italia as part of the “Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100” Programme developed for Binario F. Six challenges in six Italian municipalities to co-develop local digital transformation and the post-pandemic recovery of the social and productive systems. The challenges launched by the public administrations will be faced by public and private agencies, third sector organisations and citizens through co-development sessions to identify priorities, innovative ideas and drive civic participation. Upon completion of six challenges, a summary document will illustrate the proposals advanced by local actors to drive a participated and collective vision for the recovery of the entire country.