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An Inter-University Master on Project Development

Master Propart

An Inter-University Master on Project Development

An Inter-University Master on Project Development

IUAV Venice, Sapienza University of Rome, and FMD for traineeships and project work

Registration for Propart, Master in Participatory Planning  at the IUAV University of Venice, is open until October 23. ProPART is a second level inter-university master's degree, in collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome.

The training course addresses a range of learning opportunities concerning participatory planning and public participation, active listening and creative mediation of conflict, democratic innovation, collaborative welfare, impact assessment and participatory evaluation, common goods, and regeneration of public space.

The immersive and experiential comparison with professionals, researchers, and practitioners proposed by ProPART trains process designers with experience of the incremental and interactive nature of design; collaborative designers, with skills adaptable to various contexts and different scales and design areas; facilitators and mediators who know how to manage complex interactive processes and practice creative listening in social, local, and environmental conflicts; and cultured and thoughtful operators, who know the theories of democracy and the forms of democratic innovation.

The programme includes three 10-course modules, three study visits, and participation in labs and tutored study groups, educational traineeships, and project work of a design or research nature.

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale, which has specific experience in project planning in complex contexts, is one of the organisations where students will be able to conduct internships or project work, among the training areas enhanced with the new edition.

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