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Inclusion: Environmental Protection and Reuse

Mind the gap

Inclusion: Environmental Protection and Reuse

Inclusion: Environmental Protection and Reuse

Mind the Gap: student projects presented in Milan.

Today, Milan hosted the second conclusive mini event for the first cycle of Mind the Gap, the three-year local project (2023-25) funded by the Local Agency for Cohesion in Milan’s Municipio 4. The initiative, headed by ActionAid Italia with the Fondazione Mondo DigitaleJunior Achievement Italia and the City of Milan as partners, involves students (aged 11-17), teachers, and educators to reduce school dropouts and educational poverty by developing and providing a public/private service for prevention and contrast.

The protagonists of the event are the students in Class 2B at IC Marcello Candia in Milan. 

To develop their business idea, the young social entrepreneurs focused on one of the Sustainable Development Objectives of the Agenda 2030, concentrating especially on three issues: inclusion environmental protection, and reuse of school spaces. The students worked on a digital product in a videomaking lab. 

The video projects:

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