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Immersive experiences against digital violence

Esperienze immersive contro la violenza digitale

Immersive experiences against digital violence

Immersive experiences against digital violence

Reality that should not exist. Today the event at Amaldi in Rome

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), one in ten girls has already suffered some form of digital violence by the age of 15. Cyber Violence Against Women and Girls (CVAWG) is now one of the new dimensions of gender-based violence. At the same time, the phenomenon of social isolation among adolescents is taking on increasingly worrying proportions: the percentage of young people who do not socialize with friends outside of school has almost doubled after the pandemic, rising from 5.6% in 2019 to 9.7% in 2022. In Italy, there has been a significant increase in cases of hikikomori, often associated with episodes of cyberbullying and hyper-connectivity (Musa data, CNR-IRPPS).

Raising students' awareness of the risks of digital violence and promoting greater awareness of online security, on the eve of International Women's Rights Day: this is the objective of the initiative organized by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale ETS, in collaboration with Rai Cinema and One More Pictures, at the Edoardo Amaldi high school in Rome. The first short film, screened in the presence of the director Nicola Conversa, is La bambola di pezza, with Claudia Gerini. Part of a transmedia project on online grooming, it was previewed as a special event at the 79th Venice International Film Festival. The second work is Happy Birthday by Lorenzo Giovenga with actress Jenny De Nucci, who left the Amaldi students an important testimony on the hikikomori phenomenon. Presented at the 76th Venice International Film Festival, the short film is about a young woman who lives locked up in her room and a father who tries to help her get out of her isolation. The short films are the winners of the 2019 and 2022 editions of La realtà che NON esiste, the contest for digital storytellers, created by One More Pictures with Rai Cinema, which aims to promote new forms of digital storytelling and engage with young people, families and institutions on the threats and opportunities of social networks and new technologies.

Participants also had an immersive virtual reality experience with the work “Aurora, directed by Luca Michele and inspired by the winner of the 2023 edition of the contest, the short film A voce nuda by Mattia Lobosco on the themes of control, freedom and toxic relationships. “Years after its first screening, Happy Birthday still gives me the opportunity to talk about how social media can be a double-edged sword. Since 2019, my relationship with my personal channels has also changed exponentially and as I've grown up, I've learned to protect myself. I really like the idea that my experience could be useful for someone younger than me” - commented Jenny De Nucci.

The screening of the short films was followed by a reflection led by Barbara Strappato, First Manager of the State Police and director of the First Division of the Postal and Cyber Security Police Service, who illustrated the main risks related to cybercrime, highlighting the growth of online crimes in 2024: over 300 cases of cyberbullying, concentrated in the 14-17 age group, and about 1,500 episodes of sextortion (data on the activities of the Postal Police). “It is important to promote opportunities for discussion and in-depth analysis dedicated in particular to young people, so that they can achieve greater awareness, including social awareness, providing concrete suggestions for the development of strategies for protection and self-protection from all forms of techno-mediated aggression” - he commented.

The meeting ended with a training session led by Giorgia Macrino, screenwriter and director, who involved the students in a workshop on film writing techniques, with a focus on the narrative dynamics of the short films that were shown. The initiative continues the collaboration between Rai Cinema and Fondazione Mondo Digitale to promote greater social awareness among young people through audiovisual language, already experimented in 2023 with the immersive experience on the Divine Comedy for the Smart & Heart Rome project.


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