Project MaTHiSiS - Managing Affective-learning through Intelligent Atoms and Smart Interactions, which is financed by the European Commission within the Horizon2020 ICT Programme 2015 – Information and Communication Technologies, will kick off in January 2016.
The project consortium will work together for 36 months (until December 2018) includes 18 partners from 9 European countries (Spain, France, Greece, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Germany and Lithuania).
Project MaTHiSiS aims to provide a “system product” for professional and curricular education for individuals with certified and non-certified intellectual disabilities.
The “system product” includes a platform integrated with a series of reusable learning components (didactic material, digital didactic objects, etc.) that will be able to satisfy the needs of future educational framework and provide:
- Adaptive learning
- Automatic feedback
- Automatic evaluation of learning progress and pupil behaviour
- Affective learning
- Game-based learning
In order to reach these objectives, Project MaTHiSiS will introduce an innovative methodology based on learning graphics. The project’s technological and methodological innovation is based on synergies from five main areas (mobile learning, e-Learning, adaptive learning, robotics and affective computing) that have been blended into a single educational ecosystem.
The project will employ avant-garde technology, ranging from robots to specialised mobile devices, to create a robot-machine-computer-human interaction educational system based on custom-tailored and adaptable learning objectives. The adaptability of the system to different learning needs and the value of shared knowledge will allow new, non-linear methodologies to arise.
Consortium Partners
- (ATOS) Atos Spain S.A. - Spain
- (CERTH) Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/ Information Technologies Institute – Greece
- (NCSR) National Centre for Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS" - Greece
- (NTU) Nottingham Trent University – United Kingdom
- (UEL) University of East London – United Kingdom
- (UM) University of Maastricht – The Netherlands
- (UoN) University of Nottingham – United Kingdom
- (VUB) Vrije University Brussels - Belgium
- (FMD) Fondazione Mondo Digitale -Italy
- OTEAcademy- Greece
- (IMOTEC) Institute of Mobile Technologies for Education and Culture – Lithuania
- (LCS) La Cometa del SUD - Italy
- (NG) Nurogames GmbH – Germany
- (JCYL) Consejería de Educación Junta de Castilla y Leon – Spagna
- (EOPPEP) National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance - Greece
- (PE) Instituto Comprensivo Statale B.Lorenzi Fumane VR - Italy
- (AV) AerospaceValley - France
Main Activities
- Market Analysis and Business Plan
- Analysis of final user needs and learning objectives
- Development of ecosystem components
- Development of educational content and implementation of interaction with ecosystem components
- Ecosystem testing for autism, multiple and profound learning disabilities, school education, remote professional orientation cases
- MaTHiSiS will be tested and validate for 5 cases: autism, multiple and profound learning disabilities, school education, remote professional orientation cases.
For further information:
Annaleda Mazzucato