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Homework for Teachers

Homework for Teachers

Homework for Teachers

Following last week’s webinar held by Ana Lain and Valentina Gelsomini for Project Meet No Neet Coordinators, teachers have begun working on social projects.


The first collaborative project draft was submitted by two computer science teachers at the Liceo Scientifico “F. Buonarroti” in Pisa: Paola Pucci and Paola Pagliariccio [see news: School as an Open Space].


The second project draft has been presented by Prof Loredana Di Filippo from IIS Via Copernico in Pomezia, who has identified the needs of the “Pontino” Area in the Province of Rome:


Our school is located in Pomezia, an urban area near Rome, which began its existence as an agricultural are in the 1920s, then turned into an industrial area thanks to European Funds for Southern Regions and has now become an area of uncontrolled, and often illegal, construction work.


Our school provides three programmes: Technological (formerly Industrial), Economic-technical and Applied Sciences.


A careful analysis of the context reveals two main needs:


1) the creation of a central point for social and cultural aggregation: not a school, but a theatre or an area in which young men and women and socialize, exchange ideas and develop their cultural and artistic interests. Our only “theatre” is a horrible building that has never been completed. Indeed, the answer could be to convert an existing structure. As a matter of fact, there is a video on YouTube entitled "la speranza in un sogno" (The Hope of a Dream) with which students reached the final round of a competition on Article 9 of the Italian constitution


2) bring the many local enterprises in closer contact with school and introduce schools to the new technologies that can prepare students for the working world in a more practical manner. Our school has been moving in this direction for a while now, successfully participating in a variety of competitions. For further information, please refer to our school website.



Video: The Hope of a Dream


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