Just a few hours to go to GaranziaHack – Hack Guarantee: participate, develop, win!, the first hacker marathon promoted by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy to promote and drive the creativity of young developers, designers and technology enthusiasts registered with “Youth Guarantee,” the EU programme against youth unemployment.
“The initiative, which will take place throughout Italy, aims to transform the use of apps into a catalyst to develop skills related to digital technology and applications, increase inclusion and drive job opportunities.”
Nearly 600 young men and women aged 15-29 have registered with the “Youth Guarantee” Programme and local employment centres participating in the marathon.
Twenty-two hosts, including Officially Certified Incubators, universities, university consortiums, university research centers and other research centres, will host the event. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale, one of the hosts, is ready to prepare its fourth coding marathon of the year.
The objective of the “Youth Guarantee” Programme is to develop an app prototype to access data and information available at www.garanziagiovani.gov.it. The winner will receive a €10,000 grant to develop the application.
Yesterday’s tweet by Minister Giuliano Poletti [@PolettiGiuliano]
Domani darò il mio personale #inboccaallupo a tutti i giovani di #GaranziaHack ospitato da #Facebook e #Telecom
— Giuliano Poletti (@PolettiGiuliano) 3 Dicembre 2015